A Letter From Mommy Liway
Novena Prayer for Healing
(pray for 9 consecutive days; different intention every day; but especially effective August 15-23)
Prayer for Healing:
God, like a watchful Shepherd, You care for us. You make the earth yield healing herbs and medicines and give us the knowledge to learn their power. Your creative love continues through the healing hands of doctors, pharmacists, and nurses, and the healing counsel of priests, ministers, and friends.
Bless me, and all who suffer. Our afflictions become a cross that burdens us with fear and uncertainty. Cast out our fear and revive our faith. Give us strength that we may be filled with hope. Let the Holy Spirit come to our aid that we might live each day in the joy for which You fashioned us.
I pray for healing in body, soul, and spirit that I may be Your servant in this world and enjoy the fullness of Your Presence in the life to come. I make this prayer humbly, knowing I cannot restrict or direct Your saving grace. I give joyful thanks for Your compassion wherever I may find it.
I ask all this in the Name of the Lord Jesus Who intercedes before You on my behalf. Amen.
Novena Intentions:
Day 1 (Aug 15): That all who are sick may experience the healing touch of the Lord Jesus.
Day 2 (Aug 16): That all who are ill among my family and friends may be restored to health in mind, body, and spirit.
Day 3 (Aug 17): That all who suffer from mental disease may receive compassionate treatment.
Day 4 (Aug 18): That all the homebound and bedridden may have Christ as their consolation.
Day 5 (Aug 19): That all who suffer from diseases that devastate the body may be granted strength and hope.
Day 6 (Aug 20): That all with disabling handicaps may be blessed with forbearance.
Day 7 (Aug 21): That all doctors, nurses, and other caregivers may be well in body and spirit.
Day 8 (Aug 22): That our lawmakers will pass laws to ensure that proper, dignified medical care is available for all who are in need, especially the poor and the elderly.
Day 9 (Aug 23): That God might look with favor on my special intentions.
~~taken from a prayer card from the Sacred Heart League
Loving and tender God, touch my heart with hope. Touch my mind with clarity; touch my soul with peace. And, touch my body with the warmth of Your healing Presence. Grant me courage to face the future, insight to understand life's trials, wisdom to discern how I can touch the lives of others, and the comfort of persons who care about me as I reach for Your loving Hands. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Taken from: http://www.2heartsnetwork.org/healing.htm
You can find other prayers for healing here:http://www.2heartsnetwork.org/illness.htm